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A Closer Look

Chronic Care Management/Polypharmacy

Chronic Care Management Testing Services

Chronic Care Management (CCM) plays a critical role in modern healthcare, aiming to ensure patients are not adversely affected by medication misuse or unknown additional medications. This service is crucial in helping healthcare providers analyze medication effectiveness for their patients, thereby enhancing treatment outcomes and patient safety.

Target Population


CCM testing is essential for all patients, particularly those on multiple medications. With 82% of American adults taking at least one medication and 29% on five or more, targeted testing becomes imperative to manage and mitigate the risks associated with polypharmacy. 


Patients aged 65 and older are at a higher risk of experiencing adverse drug events due to multiple medication use and decreased organ function. This demographic's unique needs underscore the importance of tailored chronic care management strategies.

Doctor and Patient

Reducing Adverse Drug Interactions

Routine monitoring of medications can significantly reduce the likelihood of adverse drug interactions, which are a leading cause of hospitalization. Over 40% of such emergency visits are preventable through effective management of medications like blood thinners, diabetes medicines, seizure medicines, and heart medicines.

Adverse drug events impose a heavy financial burden, costing approximately $3.5 billion in extra medical costs annually. This figure excludes malpractice litigation costs and the costs of injuries, which, when considered, increase the total to $5.6 billion annually.

Legal Precedents and Responsibility

Recent legal developments emphasize the accountability of healthcare providers in managing patient medications effectively. These developments highlight the critical need for thorough medication reconciliation and diligent record-keeping. Such practices are essential to prevent the misuse of medications and the potential severe consequences that can arise from it, especially in the context of chronic care management and polypharmacy, where patients are at a higher risk due to the complexity of managing multiple medications.

Image by Sebastian Herrmann
Ensuring Positive Patient Outcomes through Dependable CCM Results and Informed Decision-Making, Guided by Strict Quality Control.
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Polypharmacy and CCM

Polypharmacy, the concurrent use of multiple medications by a patient, is a growing concern in chronic care management. It poses unique challenges, including increased risk of adverse drug interactions and complications. Our Chronic Care Management Panel addresses this by providing comprehensive screening for a broad range of medications and substances, helping healthcare providers to monitor and manage the complex medication regimens commonly seen in polypharmacy situations. This proactive approach is vital in optimizing medication efficacy, minimizing risks, and ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients managing chronic conditions.

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