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Lab Work


Respiratory Pathogen Panel

Comprehensive Detection


In the wake of growing respiratory diseases, timely and accurate diagnosis has never been more critical. Our state-of-the-art respiratory pathogen panels are designed to meet this need, providing rapid and comprehensive detection of the most common to the rarest respiratory pathogens.

Respiratory pathogen panels are advanced diagnostic tools that simultaneously test for multiple respiratory pathogens from a single sample. Utilizing cutting-edge multiplex PCR technology, these panels can identify a wide range of viruses and bacteria responsible for respiratory infections, ensuring a holistic approach to diagnosis.

Virus Studies
Image by CDC

Benefits of Using RPP

Quick Diagnosis: Results in a matter of hours, accelerating patient care.
Comprehensive Detection: Ability to identify multiple pathogens, including co-infections.
Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for multiple, separate tests.

At ASAP Diagnostics, we offer a comprehensive suite of respiratory pathogen panels, each designed to cater to the varied needs of our clients. Our panels feature:
- High sensitivity and specificity.
- Coverage of over 20 common respiratory pathogens.
- Integration with electronic medical records for seamless reporting.

Who Should Get Tested

Our respiratory pathogen panels are recommended for:

  • Individuals showing symptoms of respiratory infections.

  • High-risk groups, including the elderly, immunocompromised individuals, and healthcare workers.

  • Anyone advised by a healthcare professional to undergo testing

How It works?

1. Sample Collection: A nasal or throat swab is collected.
2. Analysis: The sample is analyzed using our multiplex PCR technology.
3. Results: Detailed results are provided within hours, identifying any detected pathogens.

PCR test

Respiratory Pathogens, Symptoms, and RT-PCR Testing

Respiratory pathogens, including viruses and bacteria such as Influenza, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and Streptococcus pneumoniae, are primary causes of infections that affect the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms of these infections can range from mild to severe and often include coughing, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, and fatigue. Given the similarity in symptoms across different respiratory infections, precise identification of the causative pathogen is crucial for effective treatment and management.

RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing emerges as a gold standard in this scenario, offering a highly sensitive and specific method for detecting the genetic material of pathogens. By directly identifying the virus or bacterium responsible for the infection, RT-PCR testing facilitates timely and appropriate clinical decisions, significantly impacting patient care and infection control measures. At ASAP Diagnostics, our commitment to utilizing advanced RT-PCR technology underscores our dedication to providing accurate, reliable, and rapid diagnostic results, ensuring our clients receive the highest standard of care in respiratory health management.

Image by National Cancer Institute

ASAP Diagnostics for Trusted Lab Testing 

ASAP Diagnostics furnishes precise and expedient diagnostic solutions, fostering trust among patients and medical collaborators. Our service model grants direct engagement with our seasoned scientists, enhancing comprehension of diagnostic outcomes.

  • Expedited and reliable result delivery

  • Comprehensive pathogen screening

  • Meticulous PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) pathogen identification

  • Simplified specimen collection protocols


ASAP Diagnostics elevates confidence levels. Patients are promptly furnished with critical health insights, enabling informed health management decisions. Concurrently, physicians are empowered with a robust foundation for precise diagnoses and tailored treatment strategies.

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